THE Scottish Government has unveiled a vision for Scotland to lead the way globally in key technology to capture carbon dioxide from power stations and store it underground
A "road map" for the development of carbon capture and storage (CCS) has been drawn up.
It reveals that between 2015 and 2020 the Scottish Government is aiming to have two power stations furnished with CCS technology up and running.
And the report reveals Holyrood is aiming for Scotland to have a quarter of Europe's CCS plants by 2020.
The technology is considered crucial in the fight to tackle greenhouse gas emissions.
It would enable power stations – currently among the world's biggest polluters – to continue operating without putting government climate change targets at risk.
The technology captures emitted from the power station. It is then sent through pipes and held underground, such as in disused gas fields under the North Sea.
However, the technology has not yet been shown to work on a commercial scale anywhere in the world.
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