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Regenerative medicine, Health
Repairing the brain
Repairing the brain
Neurological disorders and traumas disrupt the connections between brain and body, causing paralysis for millions of people worldwide.
Malin Parmar - Reversing Pakinson’s by programming stem cells as neurons
Malin Parmar - Reversing Pakinson’s by programming stem cells as neurons
Neurons, our brain cells, do not regenerate during our life. This makes neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson's and Huntington's, difficult to treat.
Dr. Philippe Bergonzo “Deteriorated photoreceptors can be activated through nanodiamond retinal prostheses”
Dr. Philippe Bergonzo “Deteriorated photoreceptors can be activated through nanodiamond retinal prostheses”
The European Dreams Project team is currently developing a new generation of retinal prostheses that haven’t been tested on humans yet.