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Germany, Markets
Will blockchain lead to a smarter energy grid?
Will blockchain lead to a smarter energy grid?
Blockchain technology enables secure trading without a centralised intermediary like an exchange. This makes it attractive not only for cryptocurrency , where it was applied first to bypass banks, but also for large decentralised energy systems with a high share of renewable energy .
Biotechnology: navigating a minefield
Biotechnology: navigating a minefield
In our fast-moving world, biotech is at the forefront of developments – but, by its very nature, it can provoke ethical and moral concerns .
Bioeconomy innovations: tough starting up
Bioeconomy innovations: tough starting up
For innovation managers and startup advisors it is clear: scientists and researchers are not business people . "Much is dependent on the personality of the founder. A pure scientist will not be able to proceed.
When recycling equates with quality raw materials
When recycling equates with quality raw materials
Twenty five years ago, the German chemist Michael Braungart developed a new approach to recycling, now called "Cradle to Cradle" or "C2C" after the book, Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things, which he and the American architect William McDonough published in 2002.
User awareness key to effective energy monitoring
User awareness key to effective energy monitoring
Energy efficiency has become a key objective in the current context of increasing energy demand, decreasing resources and global warming. Key to efficient energy savings, however, are users' awareness and behaviour.
Beauty is in the moth's eyes
Beauty is in the moth's eyes
If you wear glasses, you are probably reading this article by looking through a tiny, transparent layer of nanomaterial.
New synthetic hydrogels in 3-D cell culture on the market
New synthetic hydrogels in 3-D cell culture on the market
Dr. Brigitte Angres and Dr. Helmut Wurst earlier worked on the development of synthetic hydrogels in 3-D cell culture at the NMI Natural and Medical Sciences Institute at the University of Tübingen in Germany, with financial support from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
Synthetic hydrogels improve testing of active substances in 3-D cell culture
Synthetic hydrogels improve testing of active substances in 3-D cell culture
Many researchers culture cells in flat dishes, two-dimensional culture systems. A disadvantage is that the cells behave differently than they would in a living organism.
Barriers in bringing nanotechnological innovations to the market
Barriers in bringing nanotechnological innovations to the market
Researchers who need help with bringing their innovations to the market can get assistance from established offices of technology transfer .