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France, Environment, Health
Greater granularity on anthropogenic emission
Greater granularity on anthropogenic emission
Anthropogenic emissions have, until now, been collected, but not harmonised . These consist, for example, of data of nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions, smog, methane, CO 2 and even pollen and dust produced, among others by heavy industry and power plants.
When air quality governs traffic management
When air quality governs traffic management
Poor air quality costs Europe more than €700 million per year, in health expenditures and loss of economic performance, according to official EU sources.
Air quality models: new health prevention tools
Air quality models: new health prevention tools
We are all exposed to polluted air. Among main air pollutants are nitrogen oxides —the so-called ‘NOx ‘— and ozone , which cause irritation of respiratory tract and eyes, favouring cough, lung infections in children and asthma.
Laurence Rouïl - policymakers now trust air quality models
Laurence Rouïl - policymakers now trust air quality models
Air quality is a public health issue. As recently as last October, the World Health Organisation classified global outdoor air pollution as ‘ carcinogenic to humans .