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United Kingdom, Daily life, Society
To save lives, raise tobacco taxes
To save lives, raise tobacco taxes
Smoking is the largest single cause of preventable premature death and disease , accounting for some 650,000 premature deaths each year in the European Union, according to official EU statistics.
Juggling with multiple risks
Juggling with multiple risks
Multiple disasters can have a cumulative impact leading to great human and financial loss. The awareness of all possible risks is of fundamental importance.
Acoustic waves warn of tsunami
Acoustic waves warn of tsunami
When a coastal area is about to be hit by the waves of a tsunami, time is everything. The earlier we know where and when it is going to hit the coast, the more chances there are to evacuate the area.
Overtourism: crowd control through ICT solutions
Overtourism: crowd control through ICT solutions
Overtourism affects many world's beautiful cities, which often find themselves unprepared to deal with massive flows of visitors encouraged by low prices and easy mobility.
Life is LiFi in smart buildings
Life is LiFi in smart buildings
Just imagine: you get back home one evening, unlocking your door with the torch light of your mobile. You sit down on your sofa, download a film 100 times faster than currently possible and enjoy the movie on a fully secure wireless connection.
Generation green: smart cities bring new eco-friendly jobs
Generation green: smart cities bring new eco-friendly jobs
This year’s EU Green Week is clear in its focus: “green jobs for a greener future.” It’s highlighting how environmental policies are helping to create new work opportunities and a demand for new types of competences.
Smart cities and innovative financing schemes
Smart cities and innovative financing schemes
The pioneering city of Stuttgart, Germany, was one the first to apply an innovative financing scheme back in 1995 and since then it has been bearing its fruit: energy-efficiency funding has reduced the city’s CO 2 emissions by tens of thousands of tonnes.
Adele Jones - children whose parents are in jail have rights too
Adele Jones - children whose parents are in jail have rights too
The children of prisoners are one of the largest vulnerable groups of children in Europe. They carry the stigma of their parents’ deeds. And some of them are exposed to social exclusion.
How can we better care for the children of offenders?
How can we better care for the children of offenders?
It is estimated that 800,000 children throughout the European Union have an imprisoned parent. The real number is not known, because in no country do prisons systematically record data about the children of offenders.
Maria Leon Roux – a taxation approach to deter smokers
Maria Leon Roux – a taxation approach to deter smokers
The International Agency for Research on Cancer ( IARC ) has produced a handbook detailing the scientific evidence on tobacco pricing and tobacco control entitled: Effectiveness of Tax and Price Policies for Tobacco Control .