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Sweden, Biomass
District Heating 2.0
District Heating 2.0
Today´s liberalised markets are focused on short-term return on capital, but energy infrastructure planning should be driven by the objective of climate protection.
‘Forest mobilisation:’ unlocking Europe’s wood energy potential
‘Forest mobilisation:’ unlocking Europe’s wood energy potential
It’s not always easy to see the wood from trees when dealing with complex challenges in energy policy. However, Europe is increasingly finding in its forests a significant source of renewable energy that could help the region move away from fossil fuel dependency.
Energy back in local hands
Energy back in local hands
Across Europe, town and city councils are becoming increasingly interested in energy decentralisation , i.e. in producing power closer to where it is consumed.
Organic by-product derived biochar, a greener option
Organic by-product derived biochar, a greener option
Biochar and compost are of interest to agriculture. Particularly, when it comes to meet the goal of reducing mineral fertilisers and chemicals use.
Edward Soméus – when animal waste provides greener fertilisers
Edward Soméus – when animal waste provides greener fertilisers
The Swedish environmental engineer Edward Soméus invented in the early ’80s a CO 2 free technology, abiding by the 3R principles: Recycle-Reduce-Reuse, to manufacture a natural fertiliser called biochar .
Heat trading warms up
Heat trading warms up
Liberalising the heat market is, in theory, possible. It would operate in the same way that enables owners of domestic-scale wind turbines, or any other electricity producer, to sell surplus into the grid and draw power from the network.