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Make it fun, make it easier: when games help learn the bioeconomyMake it fun, make it easier: when games help learn the bioeconomy
Make it fun, make it easier: when games help learn the bioeconomy
Put forty people in a room, all with a smartphone in their hand. Ask them to scan a QR code, redirecting to a set of questions like: “How much meat and eggs do you eat?” and “How often do you fly?” They will first start giggling, and speaking to each other to find their answers.
Financing agriculture to destroy biodiversity: the subsidies paradox
Financing agriculture to destroy biodiversity: the subsidies paradox
"Humanity has become a weapon of mass extinction," UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said on the eve of the recent COP15 in Montreal . "It's time to forge a peace pact with nature and stop this orgy of destruction".
Working in the bioeconomy: make a job out of your environmental engagement
Working in the bioeconomy: make a job out of your environmental engagement
When Hans was a kid, he used to spend his afternoons in his grandmother’s shop, watching the fish swimming in the big tanks where she kept them, waiting for the clients to choose the best ones for dinner.
Wearing wood for a low-carbon life
Wearing wood for a low-carbon life
“Wood may be present in people’s life more than we think”, says Mariana Hassegawa, a researcher at the European Forest Institute . She is one of the authors of a case study on new wood-based products by the BioMonitor EU project.
Digitalising for repopulating: a virtual marketplace to revive rural areas in the wake of Covid-19
Digitalising for repopulating: a virtual marketplace to revive rural areas in the wake of Covid-19
Ana, 32, loves going to the movies, is keen on theatre and takes regular yoga lessons. However, during the Covid pandemic she quit the frenzy of Madrid to settle in a remote village in Extremadura , a large Spanish rural area, bordering Portugal.
Sustainable nappies for eco-friendly generations
Sustainable nappies for eco-friendly generations
Humans contributes to the planet’s pollution from the very early stage of their lives. EU statistics report that some seven million babies in Europe use up to 36 million disposable nappies in only one day .
Should you put your food waste in a compostable plastic bag?
Should you put your food waste in a compostable plastic bag?
If you walk into a council office or a recycling centre in Germany today you might see a poster for the #wirfuerbio campaign , which states that no plastics including compostable plastics should be added to organic bins.
Bio-composites for cars
Bio-composites for cars
Bio-composites have become increasingly popular with car manufacturers because they can reduce vehicle weight, which improves performance and lowers CO 2 emissions .
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