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Renewable energy communities: the untapped potential
Renewable energy communities: the untapped potential
“ There are too many fossil and non-renewable sources . There’s too much energy dirtied by injustice, wars, unjust labour relations and the concentration of enormous profits in a few hands.
From army barrack to eco-village: enhancing the interaction of circular solutions
From army barrack to eco-village: enhancing the interaction of circular solutions
The building sector has a significant impact on the European economy and the environment. It represents about 9% of the EU’s gross domestic product (GDP) and provides 18 million direct jobs.
Wearing wood for a low-carbon life
Wearing wood for a low-carbon life
“Wood may be present in people’s life more than we think”, says Mariana Hassegawa, a researcher at the European Forest Institute . She is one of the authors of a case study on new wood-based products by the BioMonitor EU project.
Sustainable is beautiful
Sustainable is beautiful
In architecture, there are two kinds of sustainability: one simpler, smaller, and ethical in its relationship with the environment and with people; and another which is “fashionable”, used as a label in a speculative way, without an understanding of what it really means.
Powering the future: energy partnerships for sustainable smart cities
Powering the future: energy partnerships for sustainable smart cities
Cities, with their concentration of services, economic opportunity, mobility and social interaction, have proved endlessly attractive to humans.
Shifting ground: the changing face of construction and buildings
Shifting ground: the changing face of construction and buildings
Buildings stand at the epicentre of the climate change and sustainability debate, as discussions at the recent COP26 conference demonstrated.
Bauhaus coming full-circle: sustainable buildings in a resource-efficient economy
Bauhaus coming full-circle: sustainable buildings in a resource-efficient economy
In the world of invention, innovation and design, very little goes to waste. And in today’s ideas-hungry world, the achievements of decades past are all ripe for reimagination.
Green crowdfunding: disruption or opportunity?
Green crowdfunding: disruption or opportunity?
Crowdfunding is considered by some experts to have the same effect on banks as Uber has on taxis. Green energy crowdfunding is no exception: the process is 100% digital and lets everybody become an investor or request funding for a sustainable project, without going throughthe banks.
Crossing borders to crowdfund renewables
Crossing borders to crowdfund renewables
Renewable energy crowdfunding involves three different parties: the fundraising platform, the investors  who generally expect a return, and project developers needing money. They may come from different nations .
Clean energies in need of a long term vision
Clean energies in need of a long term vision
The European grid already faces transmission challenges, as the alternative current (AC) infrastructure has almost reached its transport capacity.
When urban waste become bioplastics
When urban waste become bioplastics
Each year, the European Union produces three billion tonnes of waste. This equates to six tonnes of solid waste for every EU citizen, according to Eurostat. A major challenge is findings ways to reduce and reuse a large amount of such waste .
Restore History and Save Energy
Restore History and Save Energy
Restoring historic buildings and saving energy at the same time is now a reality. Passive house window expert Franz Freundorfer developed the heat-saver for the Waaghaus in Bolzano, a building from the 13th century .
Making Europe’s cultural heritage more energy efficient
Making Europe’s cultural heritage more energy efficient
A well-accepted measure for climate protection involves reducing greenhouse gas emissions . And buildings have the greatest energy saving potential, according to the official EU Energy Efficiency Plan 2011 .
Alexandra Troi: Retrofitting of historical buildings requires multiple expertise
Alexandra Troi: Retrofitting of historical buildings requires multiple expertise
Historical buildings and town quarters are an integral part of the European cultural heritage. However, such buildings are often not very energy efficient and thus contribute substantially to the emission of greenhouse gases.
The big picture is the greener picture
The big picture is the greener picture
The building sector has become much greener. To get such credentials it has adopted methods borrowed from other industries, such as life cycle analysis ( LCA ), which looks at the environmental impact of a building at every stage from its creation to its decommissioning.
The latest developments in nanotechnology for solar energy
The latest developments in nanotechnology for solar energy
A researcher who is using nanotechnology on the active layer of organic solar cells is Dr.
Green Housing Estate
Green Housing Estate
Our future depends on energy, and as households and cars currently contribute to more than 50% of all energy consumption in the EU, new energy-efficient architecture can be an important approach to bring this percentage down.