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Making Europe climate-neutral: together is better
Making Europe climate-neutral: together is better
With more than half the world’s population living in urban areas, and cities being accountable for 75 % of global CO2 emissions, climate neutrality is a challenging target.
Building more, building greener. How robots can help the construction sector grow bigger and more sustainable
Building more, building greener. How robots can help the construction sector grow bigger and more sustainable
Imagine visiting a hi-tech museum and being guided by an AI robot. No, you are not experiencing a remake of the “2001.
Under the Turkish sun: Antalya goes solar
Under the Turkish sun: Antalya goes solar
The city has a climate that is good for agriculture : one fifth of Turkey's fruit and vegetable exports and more than 30% of its greenhouse areas come from just this one region.
Flexibility is key to building a carbon neutral power system
Flexibility is key to building a carbon neutral power system
The ongoing energy crisis, which started in summer 2021 due to low natural gas supply and which further deteriorated with the Russian invasion of Ukraine, has highlighted the urgent need for a more independent European energy policy .
Valencia 2030: heading for climate neutrality
Valencia 2030: heading for climate neutrality
In the city, the famous Cabanyal district which had been home to a local fishing community for a long time, has recently been transformed into a testing ground for numerous energy efficiency techniques.
Transformation in Antalya for a smarter, low-carbon future
Transformation in Antalya for a smarter, low-carbon future
The Turkish city of Antalya, on the country’s southwest coast, is perhaps best known internationally as a holiday destination. But as one of Turkey’s largest cities, Antalya is home to around 2.
Taking the heat: how innovation could slash emissions from oil and gas refining
Taking the heat: how innovation could slash emissions from oil and gas refining
The global transition from an economy underpinned by fossil fuels to an economy powered by renewable energy is well underway. The pace of that transition, however, has come under scrutiny – especially at the recent COP26 climate summit in Glasgow.
District Heating 2.0
District Heating 2.0
Today´s liberalised markets are focused on short-term return on capital, but energy infrastructure planning should be driven by the objective of climate protection.
Twenty-two million smart homes in Europe: from science-fiction to reality
Twenty-two million smart homes in Europe: from science-fiction to reality
Door locks that open with fingerprints, networked security cameras, smart light bulbs, smart washing machines: technology is transforming our homes, turning the tech dreams of yesterday into the reality of today.
Waste heat from power plants hits home
Waste heat from power plants hits home
There is no such thing as a perfect energy efficient process. The second law of thermodynamics states that all energy generating processes produce heat as a by-product.
Useful Steam - Heat Recovery
Useful Steam - Heat Recovery
Some modern systems are now using sustainable heating sources, like waste heat from power plants . Could this approach contribute to fight climate change? We report from Western Turkey where the city of Soma is taking a new approach to increase energy efficiency in a residential area.
How can smart cities finance their transformation?
How can smart cities finance their transformation?
Local governments in Europe are notoriously risk averse, city council officials and industry leaders won’t hesitate to tell you.
Earthquakes, buildings and green energy: Turkey’s balancing act
Earthquakes, buildings and green energy: Turkey’s balancing act
As Turkey continues its economic development, the number of buildings is set to rise. This places an enormous burden on power supply systems and has already led to power outages and energy price increases.
Solar energy: “googling” your roof
Solar energy: “googling” your roof
Despite increasing talk about renewable energy, many people remain far removed from what’s going on. To tackle this, various projects have been developed over the years helping users to better understand and use green energy sources.
Generation green: smart cities bring new eco-friendly jobs
Generation green: smart cities bring new eco-friendly jobs
This year’s EU Green Week is clear in its focus: “green jobs for a greener future.” It’s highlighting how environmental policies are helping to create new work opportunities and a demand for new types of competences.
Smart cities and innovative financing schemes
Smart cities and innovative financing schemes
The pioneering city of Stuttgart, Germany, was one the first to apply an innovative financing scheme back in 1995 and since then it has been bearing its fruit: energy-efficiency funding has reduced the city’s CO 2 emissions by tens of thousands of tonnes.
Fitting hot and cold climates into the “envelope”
Fitting hot and cold climates into the “envelope”
Buildings account for 36% of CO 2 emissions in Europe, and energy consumption in this sector has increased in recent decades.
Turkey: Izmir drives smart city development in the country
Turkey: Izmir drives smart city development in the country
It is one of the oldest port cities in history. Located on a large bay along the Aegean Sea, Izmir has enjoyed being a gateway to the world, thanks to its favourable position, at the crossroads of western and eastern civilizations.
Fashion “detox” catwalks - Towards sustainable textile production
Fashion “detox” catwalks - Towards sustainable textile production
When you see a beautiful shirt on a fashion model or in a shop window, you ask yourself: shall I buy it? Can I afford it? But before deciding, there is another question to be answered : How much damage ...
Turkey's solar market has started 'teething'
Turkey's solar market has started 'teething'
Turkey has started considering its own sources to generate electricity as a way to make it less  dependent on fossil fuels, which account for 90% of the country’s current energy supply.
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