Esegui ricerca

Mary Sweetman

I am a science and business writer, journalist and editor. I have written extensively about all areas of science and technology from proteins to photons. My current interests include sustainable energy and the environment. I am a past winner of the IBM Irish Science and Technology Journalist of the Year in the print category.

I am currently working as the Editor of The Market magazine, a publication, produced by state agency Enterprise Ireland, focused on helping SMEs to grow and internationalise their businesses. I was previously the editor of another of their magazine, called Technology Ireland magazine. In 2011, I received Magazines Ireland’s Business Magazine Editor of the Year, for my work on these two magazines.

Other past roles include editorial management and production of the Engineers Journal, which was the official publication of Engineers Ireland, technical editor with the Renewable Energy Information Office of the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) and assistant editor with the Engineering unit of academic publishing group HW Wilson.

I have a post-graduate diploma in Journalism and Media Communications, an MSc in Chemistry and a BE in Chemical Engineering. I am currently a member of the Irish Science and Technology Journalists Association. 

By this author
Pig farmers get smartPig farmers get smart

Real-time information from sensors peppered around pigs farms, could herald an era of healthier and faster growing animals 

28 Apr 2014
Good risk communication, safer foodGood risk communication, safer food

A new online resource provides advice to food safety communicators, to avoid knee-jerk reactions when food scares occur

10 Feb 2014
Sustainably exploiting the sea’s treasure troveSustainably exploiting the sea’s treasure trove

Researchers are looking at environmentally friendly ways of extracting valuable bioactive molecules from marine-based organisms.

22 Jul 2013
Daily Life
When energy-saving becomes a gameWhen energy-saving becomes a game

A smartphone application bringing gaming dimensions to energy awareness has helped householders in Finland, Sweden and Italy reduce their electricity consumption by up to 19%. 

21 Mar 2013
Europe fends off alien speciesEurope fends off alien species

To help decision makers mitigate the consequence of alien plant and animal invasion, an EU-wide database maintains a black list of these unwelcome biological invaders. 

28 Jan 2013
Heat trading warms upHeat trading warms up

A new heat-trading simulation tool could help create the kind of open-market for heat trading as a means to avoid dumping useful heat and save energy while reducing carbon dioxide emissions

18 Dec 2012
Peer pressure helps cut households energy usePeer pressure helps cut households energy use

Giving energy consumer feedback on similar users’ consumption helps them gain sustained control over their own energy use. This novel energy management approach combines intelligent monitoring of energy use with personalised advice and information sharing within user groups.

07 May 2012