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Is desertification on the increase? Is desertification on the increase?

Fighting desertification will require a better understanding of the drivers of this process, with a little help from a new tool to study how dry regions evolve

September 2013
Shrub hub Shrub hub

In the fight against desertification, small areas of modest grasses and shrubs slow the soil loss more effectively than phalanxes of trees. Nevertheless, the human factor matters a great deal

November 2012
Adapting to climate change Adapting to climate change

Traditional crop varieties of indigenous people could prove even more important than modern agriculture in adapting agriculture to climate changes.

February 2012
Desert of Europe Desert of Europe

Low precipitation, erosion, urbanization, changes in agricultural methods or intensive farming… Mediterranean countries are facing a desertification process that translates into a degradation of cultivable land, pastures and forests, as well as a noticeable loss of biodiversity

November 2007
Vanishing Lakes Vanishing Lakes

Freshwater ecosystems, already under stress from land-use change and pollution, now face additional pressures from climate change, either directly or through interaction with other drivers

November 2007
Between 33% and 41% of world land risks desertification Between 33% and 41% of world land risks desertification

The unsustainability of human behaviour is reflected in the dramatic deterioration of the earth’s land, which is already affecting between 1,5 to 2 billion people as the latest report by UNCCD

April 2009
Maria José Roxo: "Misuse of natural resources can cause desertification in Portugal" Maria José Roxo: "Misuse of natural resources can cause desertification in Portugal"

Maria José Roxo, Geographer, Department of Geography and Regional Planning – Universidade Nova de Lisboa, points out the negative effects of an agricultural drama

June 2010
Preventing Diseases Preventing Diseases

Insect or rodent borne human diseases have recently been reappearing in Europe. These diseases have serious health, ecological and political consequences

November 2007