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Antibiotic resistance: prevention, more needed than ever Antibiotic resistance: prevention, more needed than ever

Antibiotic resistance varies between developing and developed countries, requiring the need to tailor preventative solutions to the context where the resistance occurs

May 2014
Targeting bacterial cell division to fight antibiotic resistance Targeting bacterial cell division to fight antibiotic resistance

New research has found some compounds effective in blocking the proliferation of certain bacteria, raising hopes of a new class of drugs to combat antibiotic resistant infections 

March 2014
Miguel Vicente - blocking bacterial proliferation could overcome antibiotic resistance Miguel Vicente - blocking bacterial proliferation could overcome antibiotic resistance

Blocking how bacteria proliferate has led towards novel compounds that may combat antibiotic resistance. But antibiotics are very poor drugs to sell, so who’s going to pay?

March 2014
Preventing antibiotic resistance in hospital textiles Preventing antibiotic resistance in hospital textiles

New research explores strategies to develop new technologies for fighting antibacterial resistance

November 2013
Fighting superbugs Fighting superbugs

Detection of the emergence of antibiotic resistance in near real-time could contribute to fighting this recurrent problem

November 2013
Rapid detection of superbugs Rapid detection of superbugs

A new lab test that detects antibiotic resistance genes quickly could help doctors choose the right drugs to knock out superbugs.  

November 2013
Peter Mullany – unveiling antibiotics resistance genes Peter Mullany – unveiling antibiotics resistance genes

A better understanding of the genes associated with antibiotic resistance may contribute to the development of rapid detection methods

November 2013
Quick ID for water pathogens Quick ID for water pathogens

New research purports to help people stay healthy by developing a real-time water bug testing that could precisely identify the culprits responsible for waterborne disease

October 2013
Next generation cures born from the sea Next generation cures born from the sea

Tackling the risks of infection and other illnesses remains a challenge. Might the solution come from the sea?

September 2013
Profile: Kieran Jordan "Defeating food bug with killer viruses" Profile: Kieran Jordan "Defeating food bug with killer viruses"

By targeting the listeria bacteria he is seeking how to improve the safety of our foods

November 2012
Novel strategies in the fight against resistant bacteria Novel strategies in the fight against resistant bacteria

If you contract a bacterial infection it might be impossible to kill the invaders with the antibiotics available today

June 2010
Breaking the vicious cycle of antibiotic resistant bacteria Breaking the vicious cycle of antibiotic resistant bacteria

More people die of hospital germs than of HIV every year. The reason is that antibiotics are becoming useless against an ever bigger number of multi-resistant bacteria that are spreading throughout the world. Today, this is not just an issue in hospitals, but throughout society at large

May 2009
Restoring the Magic of a Miracle Drug Restoring the Magic of a Miracle Drug

“We need our own kind of Kyoto treaty for antibiotics: the point is, we should treat antibiotics as a non-renewable source”

November 2008