It was by chance that I became a science journalist. I was covering the field of education at the national Romanian news agency Agerpres. It was my first job after graduating from journalism school. I started covering science when the research portfolio was attached to the larger umbrella of the education Ministry responsibility.
Shortly afterwards, I became fascinated by its results and its potential. I visited labs, institutes and research units. I also joined researchers on the ground and I really enjoyed writing about their discoveries. Until then, I had mainly considered the humanistic side of life. But I found that the science could be presented as a piece of art, as well, by combining the skills of the writer with the innovative craft of the researcher.
I also previously worked in communication roles with human rights Non Governmental Organisations including Save the Children Romania, the Centre for Legal Resources (Centrul de Resurse Juridice), the Romanian Center for Education and Human Development (Centrul Roman pentru Educatie si Dezvoltare Umana). In October 2012, I came back to journalism and I started working for , covering science internationally. I do believe science deserves a broader public attention and that the scientists’ work to be portrayed in a balanced manner.