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04 February 2014

The Portable Lab

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Researchers in Freiburg, Germany have invented a new device that revolutionizes lab analysis – the portable mini-lab performs faster and works more efficiently than a traditional laboratory.

Konstantin has suffered permanent disabilities due to the lack of a proper analysis of his blood when he was treated in hospital ten years ago. A new device that revolutionizes lab analysis could soon prevent similar tragedies.

The core of the system is a disc with the diameter of a CD. Researchers at HSG-IMIT in South Germany have invented this mini-lab within the European research project ASCMicroPlat. The apparatus is not only portable, but in case of life-threatening diseases it performs faster and works more efficiently than a traditional laboratory.

The first prototype has just been tested successfully at the Competence Centre for Modern Food Analytics in Berlin. provides its content to all media free of charge. We would appreciate if you could acknowledge as the source of the content.