The United Nations' cancer research agency said on Tuesday that cancer will kill over 13.2 million people a year by 2030, almost double the number who died from the disease in 2008.
The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) also said that almost 21.4 million new cases of the disease will be diagnosed annually by 2030.
The IARC said the burden of cancer was shifting from wealthier to poorer nations.
"Cancer is neither rare anywhere in the world, nor confined to high-resource countries," the agency said in a statement.
In 2008, 7.6 million people died of cancer, and there were about 12.7 million new cases diagnosed.
The data showed that about 56 percent of new cancer cases worldwide in 2008 were in developing countries and these regions also accounted for 63 percent of all cancer deaths.
IARC director Christopher Wild said the data is the most accurate available assessment of the global burden of cancer. He added that it would help international health policy makers develop responses.
Lung cancer was the most commonly diagnosed cancer in 2008, with 1.61 million cases. Breast cancer followed behind with 1.38 million, followed by colorectal cancers with 1.23 million. The most common causes of cancer death were lung, stomach and liver cancers. There were 1.38 million deaths in 2008 caused by lung cancer.
The IARC said the projection for annual death rates of 13.2 million and annual diagnosis of 21.4 million were based on the assumptions that underlying rates of cancer would remain the same over the next couple of decades.
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