Cities are highly complex systems with challenges such as pollution, traffic congestion, high energy consumption and economic development. All over Europe, many cities are now engaged in making themselves "smarter" by going green and going digital.
“European cities are essentially facing the same climate challenges,” says Florencio Manteca, the coordinator of the EU-funded project STARDUST. “A major one is how to reduce CO2 emissions, related to mobility. In this field, there is a vast potential for collaboration between cities and we can learn a lot from each other. This is why many of the most crucial measures within Stardust focus on mobility.”
One such city is Tampere in Finland, which has participated in the STARDUST project. There, automated public transport is being trialled, including their pioneering robot buses and etaxis.
In this video members from Stardust partners in Tampere and also in Pamplona, Spain, show and explain some of these measures and the thinking behind them.
These and other pioneering solutions developed as part of the STARDUST project are now being tested in Trento, Italy, and are set for replication in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Kozani, Greece, Litoměřice, Czech Republic, and Derry, Northern Ireland.
To watch the Video News Release: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7BXKbp6Tm4 .
This VNR was written and produced by Diego Giuliani, ICONS editorial manager.
Coordinator: Florencio Manteca, CENER – CIEMAT FOUNDATION, fmanteca@cener.com
Communication Managers: Ilaria Orfino, ICONS, ilaria.orfino@icons.it, Mark Thompson, ICONS, communication@stardustproject.eu
Project website: Stardust (stardustproject.eu)
Twitter: @stardusth2020
LinkedIn: Stardust project
YouTube: Stardust H2020
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