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16 March 2010

Carbon Trust launches green fuel consortium

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New £7m research project to accelerate the development of pyrolysis-based biofuels made from waste materials

The Carbon Trust has today launched a new consortium of UK businesses committed to developing a commercially viable process for converting municipal and wood waste into a biofuel boasting higher levels of environmental sustainability than those currently on the market.

The consortium, which will be funded to the tune of £7m over the next three to four years, will attempt to refine a process known as pyrolysis, which can be used to produce biofuels from existing organic waste material rather than controversial energy crops.

Pyrolysis works by heating organic material to extreme temperatures in the absence of oxygen. The process breaks down the material to create either a gas or oil that can then be used to create biofuel.

The Carbon Trust calculates that pyrolysis-based biofuels will have a carbon footprint that is 95 per cent lower than fossil fuels and significantly lower than conventional biofuels, such as corn-based ethanol or biodiesel.


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