Propelled by aggressive R and D activities, third generation photovoltaics (PVs) are poised to take a huge leap forward. The exploratory mass production of dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSC)-powered consumer durables is likely to alter the future course of research in this segment.
Some of the first commercial third generation products are DSSC-powered backpacks and mobile phones. Several developers are working to take advantage of DSSCs' ability to power various non-grid-based lighting applications.
New analysis from Frost and Sullivan
Third Generation Photovoltaics: Strategic R and D Portfolio Management, finds that consumer electronics appear to be a near-term market for third generation PV technologies, while the on-grid market offers a longer-term opportunity for third generation PV technologies.
"G24 Innovations, one of the DSSC manufacturers, has recently announced its mass scale production of DSSC modules to a Hong Kong-based consumer electronics bag manufacturer," notes Technical Insights Senior Research Analyst Avinash Iyer.
"The PV panels will be integrated with consumer durables such as backpacks; these panels harvest energy when used outdoors, and repower mobile electronic devices such as mobile phones, e-books, cameras, and portable light emitting diode (LED) lighting systems."
Sony has developed a DSSC-powered lantern, while Corus and Konarka are experimenting with their products in roof-integrated photovoltaics (RIPV) applications.
There are many formidable challenges for manufacturers of organic photovoltaic (OPV) devices to overcome. Topping the list is the power conversion efficiency (PCE).
Though the performance shown under standard test conditions in laboratories is satisfying, it cannot be the sole parameter to consider large-scale production. Some of the fundamental issues that must be addressed are bandgap, interfaces, and charge transport.
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