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31 January 2011

Oettinger tells Europe: It's double or quits on renewables

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Europe will have to double its spending on renewables if it wants to meet its 2020 energy commitments, EU Energy commissioner Günther Oettinger has said.

He was speaking as the European Commission released a new communication assessing member states progress toward meeting the 2020 targets.

The data showed that EU member states had largely failed to meet the electricity and transport targets they had set themselves for 2010.

"Some member states have made progress and are in line to meet their targets, or have gone beyond them, but some are lagging behind," Oettinger said.

"We're on the right track but we have to step up the pace."

To achieve the EU's energy goals, Oettinger called for a doubling of capital investments in renewable energies from €35 billion to €70 billion.

This would require a substantial use of national support plans, he stated. But he did not set any time frame for implementation.

(Source: Euractiv)

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