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Food, Bioeconomy, Bioeconomy
Figure 1. Credits to La Flerial Eric Lenoir Paysagiste
Éric, the “punk gardener”. When humility and counterculture serve biodiversity
Éric Lenoir  describes himself as a “punk gardener”.  Wherever he is called to work, he first takes the time for observation.
Buy local to bridge the gap: how short food supply chains are making communities closer and the economy healthier
Buy local to bridge the gap: how short food supply chains are making communities closer and the economy healthier
On a crisp autumn morning we leisurely make our way to the quaint farmers market in the nearby square.
Photo from Pexels
Recovering nutrients to save the planet: the fertilizer challenge
The Earth is a sick patient, struggling to survive and feed its inhabitants.
Working in the bioeconomy: make a job out of your environmental engagement
Working in the bioeconomy: make a job out of your environmental engagement
When Hans was a kid, he used to spend his afternoons in his grandmother’s shop, watching the fish swimming in the big tanks where she kept them, waiting for the clients to choose the best ones for dinner.
Brexit: an opportunity for local food systems?
Brexit: an opportunity for local food systems?
With the UK currently set to crash out of the European Union on 31 October, Britons are particularly worried about their food supplies .
Logistics: the Achilles' heel of the short food supply chain
Logistics: the Achilles' heel of the short food supply chain
Crowdsourcing the ‘last mile’ may be a solution to cut the distribution costs in short food supply chain (SFSC).
Should you put your food waste in a compostable plastic bag?
Should you put your food waste in a compostable plastic bag?
If you walk into a council office or a recycling centre in Germany today you might see a poster for the #wirfuerbio campaign , which states that no plastics including compostable plastics should be added to organic bins.
Blockchain from farm to fork
Blockchain from farm to fork
Using blockchain in food supply systems is quite a recent research field. Electronic giants and start-ups are testing this technology to enter the market with a new tool to get more trusted information about what arrives on our plate.
Short food supply chain: unity makes strength
Short food supply chain: unity makes strength
"Why do you talk about short supply chains? You promote small and uncompetitive farms that cater to the richest consumers". In 2012 the former EU commissioner for Agriculture, Dacian Cioloş, said he often received this objection.
Zero miles to our mouths: shortening food supply chains
Zero miles to our mouths: shortening food supply chains
Food keeps us fueled up and healthy, but it’s also about culture and tradition.
Organic waste and insects: animal feed of the future?
Organic waste and insects: animal feed of the future?
More than the 70 percent of the protein sources required by animals bred in the European Union are imported from non-EU countries . Soybean dominates the protein supply for animal feed .
Could ‘superfoods’ stop disease?
Could ‘superfoods’ stop disease?
The importance of healthy eating for our well-being is scientifically proven and having a varied diet goes without saying.
Climate change threatens some of the world’s best wines
Climate change threatens some of the world’s best wines
Millions of people across Europe have enjoyed soaring temperatures in the summer of 2017 , with sizzling barbeques, good food, and fine wine.
Discovering the “third generation” of bioplastics
Discovering the “third generation” of bioplastics
What if we could turn the waste from the world’s crops into a biomaterial suitable for packaging? This is not science fiction. Today plastics can be made with the waste from tomato production , for example.
Do microbes control our mood?
Do microbes control our mood?
If aliens were to examine a human, they would think we were just slavish organisms designed to feed microbes and carry them around. Our bodies contain ten times more bacteria than cells , and there are an estimated 3.
Levelling food price volatility, while supporting the poor
Levelling food price volatility, while supporting the poor
The worst food crisis in 30 years looms for 50 million people across southern Africa from Mozambique to Angola. Two years without rain has destroyed harvests. Food prices have skyrocketed.
Satellites and high-tech solutions help African farmers face historic drought
Satellites and high-tech solutions help African farmers face historic drought
South Africa is experiencing its severest drought in more than a century. Savannahs – grasslands scattered with trees and scrubs, which cover about half of Africa – are some of the most productive environments of the continent, supporting livestock and rural livelihoods.
Which is more wholesome: wild or farmed fish?
Which is more wholesome: wild or farmed fish?
Choosing between wild and farmed fish is often a dilemma for consumers.  Wild-captured fish cost twice as much as their farmed counterparts ; a difference that many believe is justified by their better taste and nutritional properties.
A low-energy formula for safeguarding food
A low-energy formula for safeguarding food
Over recent decades, research on innovative food processing technologies has been carried out to identify ways to combat pathogens while reducing the need for chemical preservatives and improving the nutritional properties of the food at the same time.
Food dangers on our 'global' table
Food dangers on our 'global' table
About 75% of the new diseases that have affected humans over the past 10 years have developed from animals or products of animal origin.
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