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Financing agriculture to destroy biodiversity: the subsidies paradox
Financing agriculture to destroy biodiversity: the subsidies paradox
"Humanity has become a weapon of mass extinction," UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said on the eve of the recent COP15 in Montreal . "It's time to forge a peace pact with nature and stop this orgy of destruction".
Brexit: an opportunity for local food systems?
Brexit: an opportunity for local food systems?
With the UK currently set to crash out of the European Union on 31 October, Britons are particularly worried about their food supplies .
Could the roads of the future be bio-based?
Could the roads of the future be bio-based?
Every year the EU produces around 15 million tonnes of bitumen . Most of this is mixed with aggregates such as crushed rock, sand and gravel to create asphalt – the sticky bitumen binds it all together – to build roads.
Climate change: trees to the rescue
Climate change: trees to the rescue
Fighting climate change is the challenge of the century. The last UN Environment Emissions Gap Report warned that, in order to ensure global warming stays below 2°C, efforts should be tripled , and if we want to stay below 1.
Hit the slopes with bio-based skis and snowboards
Hit the slopes with bio-based skis and snowboards
Skiing has been around for at least eight millennia. Skis from 6000 BCE have been found in northern Russia , while 5000-year-old cave paintings in China appear to show people skiing .
Bio-composites for cars
Bio-composites for cars
Bio-composites have become increasingly popular with car manufacturers because they can reduce vehicle weight, which improves performance and lowers CO 2 emissions .
Bio-based alternatives to plastic plant pots
Bio-based alternatives to plastic plant pots
In recent years, plastic pollution has hit the headlines as a major environmental issue. While gardening is an outdoor activity involving organic material and natural products, the uncomfortable truth is that gardeners use a lot of plastic .
Liverpool, a frontrunner city in re-naturing public spaces
Liverpool, a frontrunner city in re-naturing public spaces
If you happen to swing by Liverpool in the future, you will probably see a tree urban drainage system in Bold Street, where people frequently shop. Surface water flooding is a problem in many cities.
Soy filters: a cheap solution for air purification
Soy filters: a cheap solution for air purification
Researchers in the US have developed bio-based air filters that they claim can capture toxic chemicals that current filters can’t.
Making clothes from milk
Making clothes from milk
A significant proportion of food waste is dairy. WRAP, a UK charity that helps individuals and organisations reduce waste, says that 20% of the estimated 1.
Brian Wynne: GMOs acceptance hinges on proven benefits
Brian Wynne: GMOs acceptance hinges on proven benefits
Brian Wynne, professor of science studies at  Lancaster University , tells about his long time interest in  public risk perceptions  and how this relates to public attitudes to  genetically modified organisms  (GMOs).
Food Bug Forensic Tracking
Food Bug Forensic Tracking
Pork factories now rely on a new kit to examine suspect meat . The technique was developed in an EU funded project called Biotracer . It relies on maths algorithms to pinpoint the most likely origin of harmful bacteria on meat , such as salmonella.
Turning the tide on seaweed supplements
Turning the tide on seaweed supplements
Seaweeds are a traditional accompaniment to many Asian dishes. They have also become increasingly popular across the world as an exotic delicacy.
Fish bones’ second life
Fish bones’ second life
Only about 50% of every fish sold as fillet is actually eaten.  Often, fish heads, viscera, skin and bones are discarded.
Slashing mountains of food waste
Slashing mountains of food waste
A delicious tomato and bell pepper soup, a green bean and potato salad and a refreshing strawberry, kiwi and banana smoothy.
The hunt for stowaway bugs
The hunt for stowaway bugs
Custom officers are not the only ones with a keen interest in luggage content. Scientists too want to know what travellers are bringing into European airports.
Fibers as immune system boosters
Fibers as immune system boosters
Staying healthy requires constantly stimulating the immune system. Ingesting non-digestible fibres such as polysaccharides is thought to help. Yet companies including such ingredients in their food products cannot claim that they boost the immune system.
Big Brother Watching Teens’ Diet and Play
Big Brother Watching Teens’ Diet and Play
“The key factors we are interested in are food choice and physical activity ,” Wolfgang Ahrens, an epidemiologist from the University of Bremen , Germany tells
The battle of the bulge
The battle of the bulge
We know nutrients interact with gut cells , which dispatch chemical messengers – hormones– to the brain to signal “stomach full.” This messaging from our food to gut to brain is now being decoded to fight obesity.
Profile: Paul Finglas, food web mastermind
Profile: Paul Finglas, food web mastermind
Managing research in Europe today requires a range of skills and abilities. Balancing aspects of scientific research, team management, logistics, dissemination and, sometimes, politics, is not an easy task.
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