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Eat sustainable to change the world: the power is on your plate
Eat sustainable to change the world: the power is on your plate
In the Colombian region of Antioquia, Miguel grows mangos, pineapples and other fruit and vegetables on a 6-hectare farm.
Financing agriculture to destroy biodiversity: the subsidies paradox
Financing agriculture to destroy biodiversity: the subsidies paradox
"Humanity has become a weapon of mass extinction," UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said on the eve of the recent COP15 in Montreal . "It's time to forge a peace pact with nature and stop this orgy of destruction".
Working in the bioeconomy: make a job out of your environmental engagement
Working in the bioeconomy: make a job out of your environmental engagement
When Hans was a kid, he used to spend his afternoons in his grandmother’s shop, watching the fish swimming in the big tanks where she kept them, waiting for the clients to choose the best ones for dinner.
Why the EU’s post-COVID recovery should go bio
Why the EU’s post-COVID recovery should go bio
From businesses developing technological solutions to face the COVID-19 outbreak to companies producing biodegradable plastic products for hospitals and retail chains: many bio-based activities have proved to be crucial during the novel coronavirus pandemic and are coping better with the economic effects of lockdowns than others.
Surfing on bio-based boards
Surfing on bio-based boards
Surfing has a dirty secret: surfboard production techniques are often at odds with the sport’s eco-conscious image. Most modern surfboards are a sandwich-like construction: a polyurethane foam core – known as a blank – coated in a fibre-reinforced composite.
Blockchain from farm to fork
Blockchain from farm to fork
Using blockchain in food supply systems is quite a recent research field. Electronic giants and start-ups are testing this technology to enter the market with a new tool to get more trusted information about what arrives on our plate.
Bio-composites for cars
Bio-composites for cars
Bio-composites have become increasingly popular with car manufacturers because they can reduce vehicle weight, which improves performance and lowers CO 2 emissions .
Challenging Darwin: an ‘evolution machine’ for biomolecules
Challenging Darwin: an ‘evolution machine’ for biomolecules
Darwin would be puzzled. He described natural selection as a slow process, selecting for the most suited organisms to a given environment.
Zero miles to our mouths: shortening food supply chains
Zero miles to our mouths: shortening food supply chains
Food keeps us fueled up and healthy, but it’s also about culture and tradition.
Climate change threatens some of the world’s best wines
Climate change threatens some of the world’s best wines
Millions of people across Europe have enjoyed soaring temperatures in the summer of 2017 , with sizzling barbeques, good food, and fine wine.
Biotechnology: navigating a minefield
Biotechnology: navigating a minefield
In our fast-moving world, biotech is at the forefront of developments – but, by its very nature, it can provoke ethical and moral concerns .
‘Forest mobilisation:’ unlocking Europe’s wood energy potential
‘Forest mobilisation:’ unlocking Europe’s wood energy potential
It’s not always easy to see the wood from trees when dealing with complex challenges in energy policy. However, Europe is increasingly finding in its forests a significant source of renewable energy that could help the region move away from fossil fuel dependency.
Preventing “oceans of plastic soup”
Preventing “oceans of plastic soup”
Approximately 8 million metric tons of plastic waste washes off land into the ocean each year. Bottle caps, toothbrushes, tiny plastic fragments, filaments, pellets, film and resin float about in the water columns.
Speeding up nature’s oil spill cleaners
Speeding up nature’s oil spill cleaners
Imagine if oil spills could be completely cleaned up soon after a marine accident. And this could be made possible thanks to none other than warrior microorganisms who attacked and completely broke down the oil.
The road to sustainable tuna aquaculture
The road to sustainable tuna aquaculture
Atlantic Bluefin Tuna is a much sought after delicacy. Due to huge fishing pressure, tuna stocks have decreased dramatically . There are now signs of recovery, according to the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas .
Putting the sunshine vitamin in the spotlight
Putting the sunshine vitamin in the spotlight
We all get vitamin D in two ways – from our diet and from exposure to the sun.  A lack of this vitamin puts young children at risk of bone diseases like rickets and older children and adults at risk of bone softening .
Mum’s diet mirrors child’s food allergies
Mum’s diet mirrors child’s food allergies
About 20 million Europeans are subject to food allergies. Now scientists are looking at these allergies in new ways. It involves the food industry in its work and pays special attention to the link between early diets and allergy in later life .
When your water is contaminated
When your water is contaminated
Statistically, drinking water in Europe is the safest in the world. But according to the World Health Organisation every year more than 300.000 Europeans are falling ill due to contaminated tab water. ...
Cow fertility – not so black and white
Cow fertility – not so black and white
Holstein cattle - the black-and-white dairy cows you might see in a child’s picture book - have been bred in northern Europe for hundreds of years.
Smart and personal: dietary advice
Smart and personal: dietary advice
After personalised medicine, we are entering the era of personalised nutrition. But this approach requires testing before being applicable. This is what a new EU-funded research project, called food4me , is attempting to do.
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