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15 November 2005

Rossella Palomba

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Today, the male lobby -the “old boy network”- in Italy is preventing women from ascending within academies and companies’ hierarchy, despite their high qualifications. A famous socio-demographic Sociologist tells us more about this unfortunate situation

Today, the male lobby -the “old boy network”- in Italy is preventing women from ascending within academies and companies’ hierarchy, despite their high qualifications. A famous socio-demographic Sociologist tells us more about this unfortunate situation. Prof Rossella Palomba is worldwide known for her activism. She actually helped to bring the issue back to light, by publishing her book -“Minerva’s Daughter”- on the situation of Women in Science in Italy and in other European countries. In addition to a deep clear and concise analysis of the social context, Rossella Palomba tells the audience some funny stories. provides its content to all media free of charge. We would appreciate if you could acknowledge as the source of the content.