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Germany, Society
How can we better care for the children of offenders?
How can we better care for the children of offenders?
It is estimated that 800,000 children throughout the European Union have an imprisoned parent. The real number is not known, because in no country do prisons systematically record data about the children of offenders.
Paul Lukowicz: crowd safety via sensing app
Paul Lukowicz: crowd safety via sensing app
Paul Lukowicz is head of the embedded intelligence research group at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence in Kaiserslautern.
Juggling with multiple risks
Juggling with multiple risks
Multiple disasters can have a cumulative impact leading to great human and financial loss. The awareness of all possible risks is of fundamental importance.
Sheltering rising population from storm water
Sheltering rising population from storm water
Storm water is a critical consideration in managing urban water , as it influences the risks of flooding. Unfortunately, a global rise in urban population means that water management in urban areas is now under strain.
Ornate organs
Ornate organs
The German village of Cappel is home to one of the greatest historical music instruments. The ornate baroque organ here is the work of Arp Schnitger, the grand master of German organ construction who built it in around 1680 for Hamburg.
Strong resistance to making people think green
Strong resistance to making people think green
How can policymakers change the way people think? This is what the InContext project, funded by the EU, hopes to answer. Leading European research institutions in the fields of transition, behaviour and sustainable development are trying to create a manual for change.
Rescuing Swiss Heritage
Rescuing Swiss Heritage
Scientists, monument preservationists and craftsmen aim at ensuring conservation of the region’s architectural heritage also by optimising energy efficiency.
Multimedia Museum Guides
Multimedia Museum Guides
In 1997 Karlsruhe, in the South West of Germany, made the headlines when the first museum for interactive multimedia art was opened. The museum is part of the Centre for Art and Media (ZKM), which also comprises five research institutions.
Designing Workspaces
Designing Workspaces
It is the ultimate viewing tool for designers and engineers: virtual reality. Models can be examined and tested thoroughly in three dimensions, before they are built in the workshops.
Together is better: when engaging citizens makes cities smarter
Together is better: when engaging citizens makes cities smarter
Imagine living in a building that once leaked heat in the winter and baked in the summer, now retrofitted to be a haven of comfort and efficiency.
Digitalising for repopulating: a virtual marketplace to revive rural areas in the wake of Covid-19
Digitalising for repopulating: a virtual marketplace to revive rural areas in the wake of Covid-19
Ana, 32, loves going to the movies, is keen on theatre and takes regular yoga lessons. However, during the Covid pandemic she quit the frenzy of Madrid to settle in a remote village in Extremadura , a large Spanish rural area, bordering Portugal.
The power of youth: Educating young people in the move to a sustainable future
The power of youth: Educating young people in the move to a sustainable future
Federica Gasbarro was a 22-year-old biology student in Rome when she felt compelled to become an environmental activist.
Sharing power to foster renewables: the cooperatives model
Sharing power to foster renewables: the cooperatives model
María Regidor co-owns a mini-hydro power plant in Spain, which produces part of the electricity provided to the residents of the Castile and León region.
Slashers: the new frontier of the independent workforce
Slashers: the new frontier of the independent workforce
Sabrina is an Italian graphic designer, an editorial project manager and a graphologist. She is one of the European “slash workers” : self-employed professionals who put a slash between their multiple jobs in different sectors .
Future and emerging technologies grow young talents
Future and emerging technologies grow young talents
The new generation of technologies is radically changing the face of what science has already achieved. Their seeds are being planted in European laboratories, where passionate young researchers have been playing their part in shaping a new world.
Nano level microscopy goes into the field
Nano level microscopy goes into the field
Optical microscopy is entering a new world. Future microscopes will be chipsised and have super-resolution capabilities. This means they will be available in everyday life, not just in specialist laboratories.
Light-emitting silicon: no longer a “holy grail” for computing
Light-emitting silicon: no longer a “holy grail” for computing
Over the last 50 years photons, the particles that make up light, have replaced electrons to transfer data in communication networks.
Researchers simulate mafia and terrorism recruitment
Researchers simulate mafia and terrorism recruitment
One of the crucial steps to weaken and eradicate mafia and terrorism is blocking their means of enlisting new forces . The challenge is to change the social conditions that allow their networks to expand and regenerate themselves despite investigations and arrests.
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